Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ooh… a Cupcake Revolution??

Cupcakes a la Goorin by edieamber.

As the cupcake craze continues, many bakeries and cake decoration companies are jumping on the band wagon to help make this a lasting statement. With as customizable and portable as cupcakes are, it’s a surprise we are just now seeing this surge in Cupcakes within the past couple of years. Weddings, and birthdays are becoming especially important for Cupcake Bakeries as brides and kids would much rather have the simple, cute, and perfect single portioned cake. I expect this to be a trend which stays, because Cupcakes seem to be at the forefront of America’s menu!

To read more about the Cupcake revolution click here

There are several bakeries featured! Give them a try!

Photo Credit: edieamber's flickr

1 comment:

Snooky doodle said...

Nice cupcakes and interesting info :)